The ministry of Petersburg Baptist Church centers around the Word and worship of God. It is our desire to glorify God as we see souls saved and lives changed by the power of the word and God’s Holy Spirit.
All Are Welcome: Come and find the grace of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave Himself as a sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sin. All who seek God’s forgiveness and the blessings of salvation are welcome here.
We begin each Sunday at 10:00a.m. with Sunday School for all ages. Following Sunday School we move into our main worship service which begins at 11:00a.m. Whatever your personality, we hope that you will find a home at our church! Special Note to families with young children: At Petersburg Baptist Church, we value families. We understand that children are the foundation of our future, and their spiritual growth is important. Bearing this in mind, we have nursery services available for children age 0 up to 3rd grade during all of our worship services. Experienced volunteers will provide nurturing, loving care as well as spiritual input for those who are old enough to understand.
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Women's Fellowship
Second Tuesday: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Contact: Karen DeCarlo by email
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We meet each Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. for a time of worship, teaching and fellowship. Since January 2021 we have also been streaming the service on Facebook. If you would like to WATCH our service on Facebook just click here. Also, our website has sermons from 1/1/2012 through 12/27/2020 that you can LISTEN to. Just scroll down to the "Weekly Sermons" section and Click on WATCH or LISTEN to see a list of sermons you can choose from. Take your pick of sermons you want to WATCH or LISTEN to. Please take advantage of our Facebook page and/or our website if you are unable to visit us in person.
We are currently without a regular pastor. Dr. Keith Boyer, a native of Allentown, Pa is serving as our part-time interim pastor while we seek a regular pastor. He received his B.S. degree from Philadelphia Biblical University (1978). He furthered his education by earning a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling (1984) and a Master of Divinity (1986) from Grace Theological Seminary. While in seminary, he studied under and later worked with the noted Christian psychologist and author Dr. Larry Crabb. Keith completed his Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2017. His dissertation addressed how local churches responded to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. In 1985, after seminary, Keith and his family moved to New Orleans, where he became the founder and director of Christian Counseling Ministries. The ministry involved multiple counselors and office locations throughout the New Orleans's metropolitan area. Through his work with the counseling center, Keith became a recognized Bible conference teacher and was licensed as a professional counselor in the state of Louisiana. In 1991, he accepted the call as pastor of Faith Bible Church in Slidell, LA. Along with the responsibilities of shepherding his flock, Pastor Boyer served as Chaplain of the local fire department and was a ministry consultant with the mission organization "Front Line Ministries", where he was called upon to provide teaching and support to missionaries in countries around the world. In 2005, in response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, he led the recovery efforts of the Faith Bible Church's Katrina Relief Team. The ministry coordinated the efforts of thousands of volunteers from around the country, ministering to hundreds of families in the greater New Orleans area. In recognition of their work leading the relief effort, Keith and Cyndi were chosen as Cairn University's Alumni of the Year in 2006. Beginning in 2010, Keith and his family moved home to Pennsylvania, where he served as the senior pastor of Grace Community Church of Chalfont, Pa., until 2021. In 2018, he joined the board of Mission Mid-Atlantic, the area fellowship of the Conservative Baptist Church of America. In 2020, he became the vice chairman of the board, now called Venture Church Network: Mid-Atlantic. In 2021, Keith became part of Interim Pastoral Ministries and presently serves as the interim pastor at Petersburg Baptist Church in Petersburgh, NY. Keith and his wife Cyndi have been married for 44 years and have three grown children and five grandchildren. They presently live in Sellersville, Pa., in an inlaw suite attached to the home of their son Brennen and his wife, Sarah. In addition, their daughter Nicole and her husband Leon live in London, England, and their son Sebastian lives nearby in the suburbs of Philadelphia.